How's That Plame Investigation Coming Along? 

How's That Plame Investigation Coming Along?

Back when the Valerie Plame scandal first broke, what, in July of last year, there was no way I figured that an "investigation" could continue until past our Presidential election this coming November. I guess I underestimated the ability of this administration to stonewall and of our national press to let a story languish and die.

The press seems to have all but abdicated its responsibility to represent those of us down here on the ground, to ask the questions we are not in position to ask and report on those things that affect our lives. Too many publications and networks and the overpaid haircuts working for them have adopted the attitude that if neither the party in power nor the leaders of the "opposition" party push for a story to be covered then there is no market for the story. So a story like this, which only involves questions of national security and probable malfeasance and criminal conduct by somebody working for the Vice-President is allowed to sink beneath the waves.

I get the sense that after the election, regardless of who wins, though particularly if Bush prevails, the "investigation" and the story will be placed permanently to rest.

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Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:09 am MST by Lakers Tickets

Comment My guess is that the other reporters to whom Plame's identity was revealed realized that printing that information would blow her cover while advancing the political goals of whoever it was in the executive branch that revealed the information while not being particularly newsworthy. What I don't understand is why those other reporters seem to feel an obligation to protect this source. A theoretical argument could be made that by revealing this source, other sources they have in government would dry up, but presumably the other sources they have aren't self-serving political weasels like whoever outed Plame.

Fri Oct 1, 2004 11:35 pm MST by mrgumby2u

Comment I am missing something, It doesn't add up. Why was Novak the only person to print it? Did the others think it was too sensitive to print? Or did they think it was not credible? Do these people get this kind of "background" all the time and just kind of know what to print and not? Was Ms. Plame's cover already blown and the sources didn't think it was a big deal? What could these "high placed" sources have been thinking, that they can say whatever they want to whomever and it won't get out? Why the heck don't the journalists give up the sources? If someone in the government told them, those are the clowns who should go down.

Wed Sep 22, 2004 1:03 pm MST by

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