Our President Poet 

Our President Poet

There's a really wierd story that has passed around recently, about a poem Laura Bush claimed, in a speech to the National Book Festival, was written for her by ole Georgie. More recently, on Meet the Press, she admitted that George, in fact, did not write this poem. The odd thing about it is, why would she have claimed this in the first place? I have for the most part tried to ignore Laura Bush and she has helped me in this by remaining largely un-newsworthy. So now she becomes newsworthy, albeit in a minor way, because of something she said that wasn't true. You know, a lie. And somehow this just seems so in keeping with so much about her husband's administration. They lie. They distort facts. They make stuff up. And the odd thing is that the mainstream press for the most part just doesn't care. They still seem to cling to the myth (they themselves created) from the 2000 campaign that Gore was the liar and Bush the straightshooter and so they still mostly ignore the lies. And when on those rare occasions they do acknowledge that what comes out of the White House doesn't square with the known facts, they don't point out that this is not an isolated incident but part of a large consistent pattern. Why do they do that? Is it so they can continue to have access to people who don't tell them anything that is true anyway?

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